Non Player Characters & Shoppes within The Village
of Hommlet currently accessible:
The Lord of Hommlet
- friends with the merchant Caldwell
- granted the party 6 free months of housing in stone original town
stone housing area
Dragon's Brew Tavern
- All food, room & board services available
- All standard armor is available.
- All standard weapons are available.
- All standard missle weapons are availble
- Arrows + 1 are for sale at 120 gold pieces each. [Currently Ten (10)
are available]
The Church of Saint Cuthbert
Services provided by Reverend Denniston:
- Raise Dead: 50,000 gold piece donation. The player is drained of one
constitution (CON) point permanetly.
- Cure Disease: 1,000 gold piece donation.
- Scrolls of Cure Light Wounds: 200 gold pieces each [Currently Five
(5) are available]
- Potions of Healing: 350 gold pieces each [Currently Three (3) are
Ye Olde Potion Shoppe
Services provided by Frisbane the Alchemist*:
- Potion of Levitation (400 gold pieces) [1 dose]
- Potion of Water Breathing (900 gold pieces) [4 doses]
* Current Open Quest from Alchemist: "A Remove Curse Quest to remove
a cursed sword from Andora the Ranger's hand"
- To retrieve a handful of Achaierai feathers (pronouced: a-CHY-ur-y)